Trường Nghệ thuật Amsterdam (AHK)

Hà Lan, Am-xtéc-đam , Postbus 15079 Jodenbreestraat 3

Founded 1987, through a merger of the Academy of Fine Arts, the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture, the Netherlands Film and Television Academy, and the Reinwardt Academy. The Theatre School and the Hilversum Conservatory joined in 1988. A merger with the Sweelinck Conservatory in 1994 resulted in the establishment of the Conservatorium van Amsterdam. The postgraduate DasArts Institute was set up 1994, followed by the BINGER Institute 1995. The Academy of Fine Art in Education, the Conservatorium van Amsterdam, the Netherlands Film Academy, the Theatre school, the Reinwardt Academy, and the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture together form the Amsterdam School of the Arts (AHK).

Cấp quỹ: Chưa rõ
Chứng nhận: Netherlands and Flemish Accreditation Organisation (NVAO). Institutional audit: positive from 24-02-2014 until 23-02-2020
Lớp 2
Ngôn ngữ 1
Các bộ môn 7
Học phí mỗi năm
Nội tệ: EUR
975,00 €975,00 €
Tiền tệ của bạn: USD
1.055,02 US$1.055,02 US$

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