Đại học Tallinn (TLÜ)

A parliamentary decision by the Republic of Estonia consolidated several Tallinn universities and institutes into a single institution that resulted in the founding of Tallinn University as a public university on 18 March 2005. Tallinn University is an innovative and academically enriching university. It is acknowledged both locally and internationally for its role as a centre for science and education. The mission of Tallinn University is to support the sustainable development of Estonia through research and its application to academic partnership, including the preparation of intellectuals as well as public dialogue in order to facilitate this partnership. Tallinn University incorporates six schools and two colleges. By focusing resources and activities we aim to develop five interdisciplinary research-based focus fields: Educational Innovation Digital and Media Culture Cultural Competencecs Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle Society and Open Governance

Cấp quỹ: Công cộng
Chứng nhận: Estonian Higher Education Quality Agency
Lớp 3
Ngôn ngữ 3
Các bộ môn 25
Học phí mỗi năm
Nội tệ: EUR
830,00 €2.376,00 €
Yêu cầu
  • Chi tiết tuyển sinh: Copy of a secondary education certificate/Bachelor’s degree certificate or equivalent/Master’s degree certificate or equivalent, Transcript of Records, Proof of English Proficiency
Tiền tệ của bạn: USD
857,83 US$2.455,66 US$

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